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YQS Stormwater Protector Inlet Filter

Your Quality Stormwater Protector™ Inlet Filters serve as the first line of defense when treating stormwater. These inlet filters are the most suitable products for use in streets, parking lots, rain gardens, residential, and commercial developments.  

All products are also PennDOT Inlet Configuration Compatible and have been proven to provide the best Storm Inlet Protection. Additionally, Your Quality Stormwater Protectors™ are the best NPDES PADEP Solution.

Each filter is custom measured and made using highest-quality products to assure each filter is a proper inlet fit. 

Capturing pollutants at their source not only protects the environment but also results in significant cost savings. By preventing trash, sediment, nitrogen, and hydrocarbons from entering downstream water systems, communities can reduce the need for costly cleanup efforts, infrastructure repairs, and long-term water treatment solutions.

To learn more about our YQS Inlet Protector Filters, review the inlet filter drawings / specs and services:

Contact Sales – (717) 462-7945

Your Quality Stormwater Protector Inlet Filter – Your Quality Solutions – Stormwater Experts


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