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Your Quality Solutions and Keystone 10,000,000 Trees effort

The team at Your Quality Solutions, Inc. (YQS), and their children and grandchildren joined other volunteers to support the Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s (CBF) Keystone 10,000,000 trees program and planted 400 trees on the Drager Farm located north of Marietta, PA. The trees will serve as a riparian buffer, part of a concerted statewide effort to keep Pennsylvania waters clean. The trees will also provide some shade for the cows who live there. 

The Dragers are proud to be the very first Pennsylvania farm to be Certified Grassfed by AGW and Animal Welfare Approved (AWA). The AWA program has the most rigorous standards for farm animal welfare and environmental sustainability currently in use by any U.S. farm program. AWA standards have been developed to maximize practicable, high-welfare farm management with the environment in mind. Their cows have also been Certified Grassfed by AGW, the only grassfed label claim in the U.S. and Canada that requires farms to provide their animals with a 100% grass and forage diet.

A hard days work filled with fun and personal satisfaction

One of the many rows of trees and shrubs planted by volunteers on the Drager Farm property in Marietta, PA

Many rows of trees and shrubs were planted by volunteers on the Drager Farm property in Marietta, PA. An important part of YQS helping at CBF’s event at Drager Farms was to include the YQS employees’ children and grandchildren. They helped to plant trees and at the same time CBF staff talked to them about good stewardship of the land and the impact it will have on the Chesapeake Bay. This day was a fun filled experience for everyone involved with many positive memories made. We thank CBF for making it happen. 

For 8 years, YQS has been inspecting, maintaining and repairing existing water quality structures, pipes and underground detention and retention basins designed to improve the stormwater quality and reduce the pollution entering our streams and rivers across Pennsylvania and New Jersey. These structures are often referred to as “gray structures” which are manufactured using concrete or plastic material. Gray structures are just one component used to improve stormwater quality. 

The other component of this effort is the “green” solution or an all-natural approach, such as installing rain gardens, planting trees and creating buffer zones along creeks and streams. There are pros and cons with both approaches, and it can be debated which approach is best. Here at YQS, we focus on taking the best of both approaches and helping to make them perform to their fullest potential giving our clients a quality solution. 


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